Sunday, October 7, 2007

one week

Hi guys, well the most important thing I have to tell you know is that i now have 76 mosquito bites. Yes, you heard right i have 76 as of this morning i currently hold the record for our team the closest behind me is Karin with 50 something. I spray and spray and spray that bug spray but i think they like it actually. I must say that it is something that bothers me day and night so if you could just pray for a fast recovery that would be amazing both my legs itch so bad.
Impact World Tour has one more week, so that means our team has one more week here in Suva, Fiji then we are off on a 12 hour boat ride to Labasa Fiji. We have seen hundreds of people give their lives to the Lord during thus last week here with Impact and I get chills each time. It is a little difficult trying to counsel with those who come to the altar call due to the language barrier. So i just try to hand out bibles to those without them and hope that a Fijian will come and talk with them. Here in Fiji they speak a lot with their eyes and random grunts so trying to undestand what they are saying is a challenge and i find myself nodding and just nervously laughing a lot and then walking away. I hope we can get the hang of it soon. Our team is also having a little bit of troublem apapting to Fiji time and still trying to get things done we need to. Island people are extremely laid back and really have no western concept of time, so it is really easy to get lazy and just wait around all day. We are going to fix that this week though, we hope!!!
So i will leave you all with a story of our time to the beach. Yesterday we had a resting day and wanted to go to the beach, but being here in Suva there are not amazing beaches but, we asked our home if there was one close. Suprisingly he said yes and it would just take 1 hour walk. Well, we had nothing better to do som off we went. 30 minutes later we arrived at the village he told us to walk through only to find the village dump area right next to the water. Some of the village boys said they would take us to the "beach" so we followed. After walking through mud and a mini forrest we arrived at jagged rocks leading into muddy water. We had arrived at our "beach". Well we didn't walk that whole way for nothing so we got right in. Then i had to take a shower and even though i swore that i would only take 1 shower each week due to only having cold water i had to take one since the water was soooo gross that the village people even laughed at us getting in there. We are truly seeing the part of Fiji that they do not show tourist. Well goodbye for now!!!


Anonymous said...

hey hun...i am so sorry you are annoyed and itchy with the mosquitos and all their biting. have you had to get blood transfusions as well? one would think you might...

anyways all my love to you, friend...

Anonymous said...

hey kiddo,

Sounds like alot of stuff you all are going through. I will Pray those pesky mosquitos, will leave you all alone and the ithching will go away soon. I know everyone there in Figi is very Blessed to have you there. I am very Proud of you. I Love you lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are one big misquito bite! We all miss you here and you continue to be on our prayer list. Take pictures so you can share your adventures and victories for Jesus!Love you and thinking about you.
Jeff's Mom