Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I am in Fiji

So I am now in Fiji and yes it is as beautiful as everyone says it is. We flew into Nadi Fiji at 9 pm monday night and spent the night in a youth hostel. Riiiighhhht let's just say it cost us around $5 US dollars to stay there, i hope that paints a picture of what it looked like. The rooms had no AC and there were things on the wall that only God himself could identify. We survived through the night and breakfast was served for us at 7:45. However we are in Fiji now and so we go by their time which is Fiji time. Here is how it works, nothing ever starts at the time they say. It always will start later. So breakfast was at 8, which isn't bad considering the time we were suppose to be here at the impact world tour office was 8 and we rolled up at 9. So for the first time in my life i am going to be on time for things.
As you just read i am at the impact world tour office and us girls get to mark dates on invitations while the guys go and sweat hard to put together the stage. It is such a hard life here. We are staying in a little house where the bugs out number all of us. Praise God for our small house cuz a few weeks ago we had no place to stay. It is nice though and i currently have about 10 bug bites. All i can say is this is going to be something new. Well, that is all the time i have for now so i will try to update again very soon. Please keep us all in your prayers, THANKS



Anonymous said...

liz, i'm so glad youre enjoying fiji and all that other stuff. i am not so glad about your bugs...dont get anymore bug bites. that is bad...just ask shauna - she got bit in venezuela and she got to go the hospital - twice. eew. no hospital, liz.

Anonymous said...

haha i'm laughing because you're always on time now. it's the same in india...it infuriated me. but i can see how it works out well for you. good to hear from you the other night. lots of love and warm thoughts.