Thursday, November 29, 2007

I am done in Fiji

So i am going to make this quick. We are on debrief week in Fiji and the resort we are staying at requires us to give over our first born or a leg to use the internet, it is so much money. But i have 30 free minutes so here is a quick over view. YEs, we are staying on the beach and i wake up and have coffee next to the beach every day, i went snorkeling in beautiful water the other day, yeah i went snorkeling in Fiji, I went on one of the most dangerous ferris wheels invited yesterday ( i seriously thought we were going to roll away or fly out), and i leave Fiji tomorrow. So i have like 8 more days left until i go home. It feels as if the time flew by. We have been in the resort for 6 glorious days and it has been great to chill for the first time in 8 weeks. I have been able to take a warm shower each day and i have done so each day, which is also a first for me in 8 weeks. Well i love you all and will write more later. BYe and see you soon.



Anonymous said...

how i love that you have loved your trip! enjoy your last few days, lovely friend.

Mr. Wheeler said...

I think I know the ferris wheels you're talking about - they look like they were built out of Tinker Toys (old school Kinex) and they run forwards and backwards insanely fast? You are braver than I!

You'll have to visit Labasa. There's an internet cafe there (Govinda's - about three blocks away from the river) where internet is slow but cheap. And great Indian pastries! All of the Tribewanted members get their internet fix there!

Anonymous said...

WOW - I really can't believe it - you are coming home soon:) YEA!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip and seeing all the pictures.

I Love you Lots!!!!!!!!!!!


hope said...

scuse me... why do i not get to read more of the inner workings of your mind? i demand more blog posts! :) haha