Thursday, November 15, 2007

2 in one week

Hey guys i know this is unheard of hearing from me so soon and such, but i need to talk about some really cool things. My group had an opportunity to go to a jail and preach the Word. It was an all guys prison so the guys were the only ones to talk since it was not going to be good for us white ones to talk, especially since we have found out that Fijian men really like white girls. So anyway, the only prisoners to show up were those who became Christians in the jail. As we walked inside the gates and wire we heard what seemed like 30 guys singing and clapping, they were praising God. We quickly learned that there were only 10 and they were seining so loud and you could see the joy on their faces. Are guys brought the word and then after the guys started to sing again. This time it was even more intense. They were singing with so much freedom. How ironic eh? Here were 10 guys some only a Christian for 3 months singing with more freedom and love than i have ever sung in my life. The were locked behind the 4 fences looking at the world through bars but their love for God ran deep and they had freedom in the hearts and a joy that no one could take away. It was very moving and I was so blessed to be there.
Well that was just a very moving time and so i wanted to share it all with you. Also I have found a new love and it comes in a little plastic bag and cost about 20 cents. NO, No, it is not cheap crack but this amazing Indian sweet that has a very difficult name. I do know it starts with an "L" however after asking the name many times and not remembering ever i have given up. So each day when i go to the dairy for this sweet I just point and grunt at the item until the woman picks up the one i want and then i leave a very happy person. Ok, good bye then.


Anonymous said...

God is soooo good isn't He. I can only imagine how awesome that was for you and everyone else there. I am so glad you are able to experience all that you are there. I am soooooo VERY PROUD of you!!!!!!!! Just think of the fire that those guys have for the Lord and how it will spark into an even bigger fire, and spread to all the others. Just because you all were obediant to listen to God and share His word. Thanks for sharing. Tell everyone I am Praying for them and I am also proud of them too.

I Love You Lots!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth! Wow, what an adventure you have been on! It sounds like you have had some difficult times and "mountain top" moments too! I am so thankful that God made a way for you to go on this mission. I am very proud of you and miss you! Can't wait to see you in December!
I love you!
Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

uh..friend! what an amazing testimony those gentlemen are, eh? thats pretty stinkin cool. we can sing and praise the Lord when i arrive in excited!