Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 3

Hello to all,

Well i am in week 3 of Fiji and i am in Labasa Fiji. It is much hotter and sadly there are way more mosquitos here. Yeah, i am a little afriad of getting more because my legs are just starting to look like legs again. Are time in Suva was a little hetic, but we are all happy to be out of the small house and in a house of our own with 4 bedrooms. Working with Impact World Tour was not as much fun as we all thought it was going to be. The were not very organized and didn't really try hard to make as feel welcomed, but we worked our butts off for them anyway cuz we are on outreach and it has nothing to do with them we all came to Fiji to worship God.
We took a ferry ride over here, an 11 hour ferry ride. When i was outside i was fine and didn't feel sick at all but as soon as i got ot my seat i felt the sickness kick in slightly. Suprisingly i didn't throw up i think it was due to the fact that the bathrooms smelled so incredibly bad, like others did go and throw up. Once the boat docked it was a 3 hour bus ride with all the seats filled up, the bus was so heavy that we could barely make it up all the hills. We arrived saftly in Labasa and imediatley began taking off the clothes we could. Labasa is not that big and the fijians call it "Little India". Rightly named i must say. There are way more indians here than other towns in Fiji. That is going to be some of the ministry we are going to be doing with a few local churches here. The Indians have some many God's that it is hard to get them to just worship Jesus.
It is really funny to be walking down the street and have evryone look and point at you. We all stick out so much, the kids really like to just stare at us, and i just laugh and say "BULA", which means hello. This week we are attending a pastors confrence and most of are team fell asleep during the 3 hour confrence. it was just so hot and they don't have air conditioning in most churches. I actually thought we were the only white people here in Labasa but as i have come to find out the other 5 white people are just hiding in the Internet Cafe, go figure. Well i am going to leave you all for now, but I write more soon and very soon.



Anonymous said...

hello lovely one...im glad you have legs again, and i will pray for the annihilation of any mosquitos that suck your blood. see you in december!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo Glad our Awesome God is taking Great care of you - getting you to everywhere you need to go. Cliff and I are Praying for you all!!!!!!!!!! I know lives will be changed because of God flowing through YOU!!!!!!!!

I Love ya Lots and Lots

Anonymous said...

hello favorite....say "namaste" pronounced "nah-mahs-teh" to the indians...they'll looooooove you. seriously.. they will