Sunday, July 29, 2007

Here is my first blog

Hey Everyone,

Well i thought that since some of my friends and family have a myspace and some just only have an email address i would just get a free blog thingy. Here it is. Well i have been in new Zealand for almost a whole month. That is right i am living and surviving in another country where people drive on the "wrong" side of the road, and there are more sheep than people, which would be a sad fact if i was one who was looking for a man in this beautiful country.
So I am Doing this YWAM SDTS (snowboarding discipleship training school). It is absolutely amazing and am having lots of fun. Coming from a relatinve conservative baptist background I am being introduced to many new things, but it is a real faith bulider. However, not only am i learning a lot about the things of God but i am also getting to snowboard here in the country of loveliness. I am hoping to come back home and tear it up and my home mountain. We shall see though. Ok then i will write another one right after this one but i wanted to put up a very first blog so here you are. Bye now.



Unknown said...

very cool liz!!!


Mandi said...

You forgot that last line you wanted to put in.

"And I live with the best roommate anyone could ever ask for!."

Just kidding! :)

Anonymous said...

that sheep is looks like a lama. tell me what you are learning in your classes next blog....stay warm :)